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Masters / Natures Creations Top Soil


Topsoil From Masters

A by-product of our aggregates facilities is high end Topsoil!

Masters high quality Topsoil is available at Masters Falls Quarry and can be purchased at Natures Creations, Route 6 in Tunkhannock.

Call 570-836-7604 for more details or to place your order.
Nature's Creations

Masters Aggregates

Masters Aggregates

Quality Aggregates are fundamental to quality concrete. While some Ready mix producers struggle to find quality materials in our market, Masters is fortunate to have two quality aggregate sources from which we produce our own sand and gravel exclusively for our concrete production.

Our experienced miners produce Penn Dot approved materials assuring all of our customers receive quality aggregates in their concrete. Controlling the production of our aggregates ensures we can make the best suited aggregates for concrete. As natural sand becomes a more and more scarce commodity, many producers have had to turned to manufactured sand which is not as favorable for quality concrete and finishing.

The strategic locations of our quarries also help to reduce the cost trucking materials from long distances to our plants.

Our quarries also produce products such as Mason Sand, Anti-Skid, and Septic sand that are available for sale.